Been Kinda Good…

I’ve been *gasp* running and I’ve even thrown some weights around.  Say whaaaaaaaat? As a way to kind give me a bit of a kick in the rear, I’ve been adding to my running play list.  Tiny bit of a hiccup since my bluetooth headphones don’t seem to want to connect to my new phone… Continue reading Been Kinda Good…

Running for a Cause

A weird thing happened to me a little while ago.  I received an e-mail from someone  at asking if I would be interested in writing a post about causes that I run for.  At first I was a bit hesitant; you know that whole “online security” thing and was expecting that at some point I’d… Continue reading Running for a Cause

I’ll Have an Order of Motivation With a Side of Fries

Lately my motivation to do anything has been shot.  Long hours at work has left me drained of energy and my days off are an attempt to take care of the things that I have been neglecting, like cleaning and the pile of laundry that still manages to accumulate.  OK it’s not that huge but… Continue reading I’ll Have an Order of Motivation With a Side of Fries

Apparently, I’m Delicate

I was doing so WELL.  I was tossing kettle bells around like crazy.  50 lbs? Pffft piece of cake.  Bench press?  No problem.  Hop on the treadmill: easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Joking around with a friend and feel (and hear) a pop in my neck and OH MY GAWD what just happened?!?!?! Yup.  That happened.… Continue reading Apparently, I’m Delicate

Hello Friends. It’s Been a While

Yes I know I’ve been MIA for a bit.  Let me explain.  See I live in the middle of nowhere which means that I have satellite internet service.  It is slow.  Notoriously slow.  And if I use up my allotment, well it gets even slower.  Just checking up on posts can be problematic and if… Continue reading Hello Friends. It’s Been a While

Summary – March 20 – 26

OK let me just start off by saying that I’m a bit cheesed with myself.  It wasn’t that long ago when I would run double digits for a training run and now here I am barely crawling through seven kilometre runs.  The fact that I’ve been having nagging issues with my foot does little to… Continue reading Summary – March 20 – 26

Summary March 6-12 (AKA how I discovered gravity)

Back from vacation and into the real world.  Ugh.  Now despite taking a ton of opportunities to get out and hike with my dogs, the exercise was far from intense.  In fact the only thing that was high intensity was the eating.  Ya there was a lot of that.  My plan when I got back… Continue reading Summary March 6-12 (AKA how I discovered gravity)