Been Kinda Good…

I’ve been *gasp* running and I’ve even thrown some weights around.  Say whaaaaaaaat? As a way to kind give me a bit of a kick in the rear, I’ve been adding to my running play list.  Tiny bit of a hiccup since my bluetooth headphones don’t seem to want to connect to my new phone so I’m trying to find a pair for running.  I had a good pair that I picked up for cheap that didn’t fall out of my itty bitty ear holes but apparently they don’t make them anymore.  I just can’t seem to find a pair that stays put, even Yurbuds don’t fit right. Designed for women’s ears my ass.  It’s so frustrating because I really want to have some tunes to rock to.  Lately I’ve been hooked on Judah and the Lion’s song Take it All Back.  If you listen you can just imagine the parts that make you want to run faster.  And I want to play it so I can run faster. Not only that but you can rock out to a mandolin and banjo.

I haven’t been good about keeping track of either running or weight workouts but I’ve been consistently around 5 km.  I figure right now it’s getting back out there and then start the building process again.  For a bit I was disappointed and then I remembered that 5 km is a race distance.  AND I’d rather be out for five than none at all.

I’ve been good with food too.  I’m really proud that I made a super garlicky caesar dressing and tossed it with some romaine lettuce and blanched asparagus.  So good.  And yes I ate out of a mixing bowl.  It was either that or my giant salad bowl.

Romaine, blanched asparagus, homemade caesar dressing, and lots of grana padana cheese.

And I had a poke bowl for the first time when a friend told me to go to ONO Poke Bar.  WOW.  I had mine with torched (yes torched) salmon, corn, avocado, edamame, carrots, egg, bonito flakes, some other stuff.  If you’ve never had poke bowl, it’s all the best parts of going to a Japanese restaurant.  I can see this being my new favourite place to go when I’m at work.

You know your food will be good when fire is involved.
Just look at it all.
How pretty.

Then I hung out with my nephews.  I mean seven is kind of a big deal.  And there was cake.IMG_1698

I’ve started taking spirulina which is basically dried blue-green algae.  Nothing crazy, just a spoonful with protein powder to post-workout shakes.  I’m not going to lie: the smell makes me gag a little.  It smells like you’ve snuck your entire nose in a bottle of fish food.  But it’s supposed to be loaded full of protein and vitamins and blah blah blah so hopefully that’ll help with my lack of energy.

I’ve also come to conclusion that my general feeling of malaise and lack of motivation may be due to an overall lack of direction.  I have all these plans and ideas but no timeline or defined goals.  I’ve just been kind of riding the current of life in pretty much every aspect of life.  So as part of my resetting of life, I am going to set an actual goal for my running.  And since I just came up with that idea as I typed it, I will let everyone know what that is when I come up with it.

And here’s a shameless picture of the dogs.  Just because.  People try and tell me that boxers, boston terriers, and pugs don’t like water.  Can someone maybe tell them that?  The funniest part is that Leo and Jack were both urban dogs when I got them and they both hated the water.  Now I can’t keep them out of it.  It’s also great when I want to “ice” my legs.

Piper, Leo, and Jack having a dip…errrr I mean cross-training.

5 thoughts on “Been Kinda Good…

  1. Hey!
    It is nice to see you blogging again and reaching out to us readers, we might have missed you but we don’t actually tell you that!
    The food looked amazing 😀 especially your salad, not going to lie and it is easy enough to pretty much make with every meal, that is a bonus! I love ceasar salads anyhow. So I am on the same level as you when it comes to “riding the currents of life” – having to many goals and ideas but not direction, no deadline, starting point, etc. Seems to drag on and on and I like yourself want to make something for me to work towards outside of the everyday agenda. Seems like my life is passing me by and I am not really making any solid moves toward anything that means much to me besides the relationship; oh and getting a second job. -_-

    In the meantime, cannot wait to see what you have in store for the next blog post.


    P.S we love watching the dogs doing their thing in the water!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww shucks I’m blushing. I feel like such a slacker when it’s just “hey didn’t do anything and I’m eating junk”.
      I keep forgetting how easy caesar dressing is to make but now that the warm weather is here, I have a feeling there will be a bunch more. Especially with a ton of garlic. Yummy.
      Seems like quite a few people are having the Ferris Bueller “life moves quickly, if you don’t stop it’ll pass you by” time. Maybe it’s a side effect of having just come through the spring which encourages stuff but aimless stuff. Do you have any strategies for trying to get a handle on things? Are you a big picture person or focus on little things and the rest sorts it out?
      Great no pressure for a post or anything ;)>
      And I’m a proud dog person, those little monkeys are too adorable not to share.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t have a strategy yet, I am in search of one and as soon as I find one, I plan on utilizing it because I need a handle on things NOW before shit gets too overwhelming .. ugh. I feel like I am the type of person who focuses on the small things and maybe that is why I have a hard time because i don’t always look at the big picture. Good question. However, I have learned that not everything sorts itself out without a plan, deadline and reason to.


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